Young Dog relaxing

Why Choose the Matted

Mutt ?

Quality Pet Care

I groom dogs, and even do nail trims for small pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs at an affordable price!! I believe that all pets are family members and they deserve the best care.

Reliable and Trustworthy

I want to alleviate the stress from pet owners of having to bathe their own fur babies. With 20 years of experience working in the Pet Care industry you can trust me to care for your pet. The Matted Mutt offers grooming in a clean, safe, cage free, relaxing and friendly environment.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your pet’s happiness and care is my priority and I strive to provide a service I would want my own pets to receive.

Dog Grooming Services


  • Bath with a relaxing massage
  • Blueberry facial
  • Blow dry & brush out
  • Haircut
  • Ear cleaning
  • Nail Trim

Full Groom

starting at $100


  • Bath with a relaxing massage
  • Blueberry facial
  • Blow dry & brush out
  • Feet & Sanitary trim (if needed)
  • Ear cleaning
  • Nail Trim

bath & tidy

starting at $80


  • Bath with a relaxing massage
  • Blueberry facial
  • Blow dry & brush out
  • Face, feet & sanitary tidy
  • Ear cleaning
  • Nail Trim

Puppy Groom

Starting at $30

Puppy Groom

starting at $70

Dog Grooming Price List

Bath and Tidy

French bulldog

Toy or Small Breed


(Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Papillion,

Jack Russel, Pug etc.)

Medium Breed

$90 - $110

(Australian Shepherd, Vizsla, Border Collie etc.)

bernese moutain dog

Large -X Large Breed

$120- $220

(Bernese Mountain Dog, Husky, Chow Chow, German Shepherd etc.)

Dog A La Carte

Nail Trim $20

Pet’s nails are trimmed as short as possible to maintain a healthy and comfortable foot.

Ear Cleaning $20

Ear cleaning eliminates odours and helps prevent ear infections. The underside of the ear and the ear canal are gently cleansed with an ear cleaning solution designed just for dogs.

De-Shedding $30/hr

De-shedding is a great way to keep your dog looking great and helps lesson the amount of hair loss in your home. The tangles are brushed out before mats begin.

De-Skunking $40

De-skunking helps reduce the skunk odor when your dog gets sprayed by a skunk. Must be added to a grooming package.

*Tick Removal


I strongly recommend that your pet be seen by a Veterinarian as ticks pose a health hazard and can cause infection to your pet as well as humans.

Full Groom

Funny Yorkshire terier
cocker spaniel

Toy or Small Breed


(Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Tea cup Poodle, Shih Tzu etc.)

Medium Breed

$100- $120

(Schnauzer, Cocker Spaniel etc.)

Large -X Large Breed

$120 - $220

(Standard Poodle, Labradoodle, Portuguese Water Dog etc.)

Puppy Groom*

Under 19lbs


20lbs - 39lbs


Over 40lbs


*Under 6 months

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
group of puppies

If Ticks are found, owner will be immediately contacted. Additional charges will be added to the grooming package.

About me

I am a wife and mother of 3 kids and 3 fur babies. I was lucky to grow up with a variety of pets, which helped shape my interest in animals. Obtaining my Animal Care Certificate from Sheridan College opened the doors to a career in veterinary and grooming. For the last twenty years I have enjoyed working in animal hospitals as a Groomer, Veterinary Assistant and Office Manager. Having a home-grooming salon allows me to have a work/life balance while providing the same professional service at a reasonable price with a personal touch.

Melanie Muthaliff,

Owner and Groomer

Full frame of hardwood floor
Flat Geometric Spiky Circle Sticker

Get in Touch

Notice Board
White Paper Texture

I absolutely love caring for animals!! Send me a message to make an appointment or discuss any questions you may have, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note any information you provide will be strictly confidential.



7228 RR 20, Smithville, ON, L0R 2a0

Email Address

Phone Number


Young Woman Working on Laptop at Home with her Dog

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*google account required

Terms of Service

lease read this agreement carefully, this agreement includes a release of liability and waiver of legal rights and

deprives you of the right to sue The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming and related parties. Do not sign this agreement

unless you have read it in its entirety. You are entitled to seek legal counsel if you are unsure of the release form

effect, grooming policies, procedures and dogs/cats release, waiver of liability, assumption of risk and

indemnification agreement.

• If owner’s cat/dog is hurt or becomes ill, I hear by grant permission to The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming to obtain

immediate medical care from a veterinarian of choice should the veterinarian provided is not available. Cat/dog

owner agrees to pay all cost for medical treatment provided, unless illness or injury is a direct result of negligence

of The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming employees.

• At The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming all cat/dog’s are treated by the owner Melanie, with the utmost care and

caution. Melanie will not be held responsible for clipper burn and /or minor nicks resulting from grooming of

matted, pelted, neglected coats or for irritation caused by removing coat from cat/dog possessing mild to severe

skin allergies.

• Also realize that senior cat/dog have greater risk of injury during the groom, and I will not hold The Matted Mutt

Pet Grooming responsible, nor will I hold them responsible for the stressful effects grooming may have on my


• The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming must be notified within 24 hours of any claims by owner regarding

compensation for medical attention given as a result of alleged negligence of our staff. In the event of dispute over

owner’s claim; The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming will personally consult the attending veterinarian prior to settling

any claim.

• The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming will not be responsible for any allergic reactions resulting from the manufacturer

recommended usage of any products. We take great care in selecting the best natural products however may have

few situations with unexpected reactions. In saying this, your cat/dog may have a reaction. Notify us within 24

hours and we will re-bathe your cat/dog with a hypo allergenic shampoo and/or required treatment.

• The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming is not responsible for pre-existing medical conditions or the aggravation of those

conditions, such as but not limited to, heart disease, arthritis, obesity, infections, or any other medical problem

that may be affected by the grooming process.

• The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming reserves the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and

above the norm covered by our standard rates. We also reserve the right to refuse service to customers who pose

a threat to our employees and other pets in our care, whether it is an aggression problem health problem or

parasite problem.

• Should the owner’s cat/dog expose the unit or salon with parasites the groom will stop, the pet(s) will be

isolated, and the owner called for immediate pick up for veterinary treatment. There will be an additional $50.00

charge to cover the expense for fumigation of the premises. It is necessary to fumigate to prevent contamination

to other pets in our care. • When a cat/dog is matted/pelted and requires a shave down, some pre-existing

conditions may be found which we will notify you of and chart in our files. In order to remove the matts/pelts the

groomer must get under the matt/pelt with the clippers and may cause some skin irritations, burns, knicks, cuts. A

CONSENT FORM must be signed before we will shave down your pet(s). There will be an extra charge for this

service as the groomer required extra tools, blades, lubricant for clipper and time to move slowly and carefully to

remove the matts/pelts with the least amount of irritation possible.

• I, the undersigned, owner or person representing the owner, do hereby release The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming

from any and all responsibility resulting in stripping my cat/dog and support the conditions stated in this


• Right to Refuse Service: The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming has the right to refuse service for any reason it deems. In

the event of a cat/dog that cannot be groomed safely without danger to the groomer The Matted Mutt Pet

Grooming will use muzzles, e-collars, harnesses, straps etc. on dogs, but only a specific air muzzle designed for

felines on cats. Grooming services may be stopped mid groom if necessary for the safety of the pet or groomer.

Grooming fees may still be applied.

• Duty to disclose: I have disclosed and will continue to disclose on an ongoing basis any and all medical, behaviour

or other conditions or personality changes that may affect, limit or prevent my cat/dog’s ability to be groomed at

The Matted Mutt.

• The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming follows the rulings in the Personal Information and Protection and Electronics

Documents Act of the Canadian Federal Government: (acts/P-8.6) and ensures that all personal information, is only

documented and saved within the software program used in this business. This information is not shared on

employee’s phones, or documents that they can print or save. We will not share this information with any other

business or individuals.

• I authorize The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming to use photos of my cat/dog for which I have legal ownership for any

promotional materials regarding The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming programs, facilities, or services. All photos taken

on the premises will not be sold to other parties/websites/Facebook or other social networking media.

Promotional material bearing these photos may be distributed for free to the public and posted on The Matted

Mutt Pet Grooming website, Facebook page, Social media. The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming reserves the right to

use any photo or likeness for a time period beginning when this form is signed and ending upon written request of

participant, or legal pet’s owner.

• I hereby agree to expressly and forever generally waive, discharge claims, indemnify, release liability, save, hold

harmless and defend The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming, their invitees, sponsors, advertisers, owners, employees,

volunteers, agents, representatives, leasers and all others having interest in The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming from

and against any and all injury, liability, claims, litigation, actions, suits, costs, losses, damages, attorney’s fees,

expenses or demands of every character whatsoever on the account of, arising out of, resulting from or relating in

any way to (1) any act or omission of the releases, including negligence, and (2) me or my pets participation at The

Matted Mutt, or otherwise. I agree that this release shall be binding on me and my successors, heirs, legal

representatives and assigns. I also expressly and forever release The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming from any duty to

protect me or my cat/dog’s from injury of any kind, and agree that even if The Matted Mutt Pet Grooming chooses

to implement safety precautions; such actions shall not alter the fact that I have released The Matted Mutt Pet

Grooming from any duty to protect me or my cat/dog.

• I have read and fully understand the terms of this form and that I have given up substantial rights by signing it

and have signed freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance or guarantee and intend it to be a

complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent permitted by the law and agree that if any

portion of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall remain in

full force and effect. I agree that it is intended that all terms of this agreement control despite any particular

statute or law that would otherwise protect me or my pet.

Terms of Service

I represent that I am the legal owner or agent for the owner of the dog described in the correlating application form.

I release The Matted Mutt, its staff, owners, representatives, and agents from any and all liability which I or my dog may suffer including but not limited to injury, sickness, damage or death resulting from participation in daycare, overnight boarding, or outdoor trail walks .

I represent that my dog is in good health, is current on all required vaccinations (DHLPP, Rabies Bordetella), is free of fleas, ticks, and lice, and as not been ill with any known contagious viruses in the last 30 days.

I understand that while my dog is fully vaccinated that vaccines are not guaranteed and there is a small risk that my dog may contract a contagious disease or illness. I agree that should this occur I am responsible for my own pet’s care and medical attention.

I agree to allow 12 days waiting period after my dog as had their vaccinations to allow the vaccines to reach full protection potential and to ensure my dog has not has any negative reaction to the vaccines. Should I allow my dog to stay at The Matted Mutt less than 12 days after vaccination I understand that my dog could be at risk of contracting a contagious virus/disease.

I understand that although all dogs are fully supervised that incidents of injuries may occur from playing with the other dogs, which include but not limited to bites, scrapes, scratches, and sprains.

I represent that my dog is sociable and has not harmed or shown threatening behaviors towards any person or any other dog. I understand The Matted Mutt reserves the right to remove my dog from the play area and place my dog in a separate holding area should my dog display any unwanted behaviors.

I allow The Matted Mutt’ staff to contact my veterinarian or any other accessible vet clinic as deemed necessary should any injuries require medical attention. I agree that I am solely responsible for any medical expenses acquired for my dog.

I agree to disclose any previous or current medical issues or concerns of my dog so that The Matted Mutt staff can make a determination of suitability for daycare or offsite boarding.

I release The Matted Mutt from any liability should my dog injure another dog or person and accept medical and legal responsibility for my dog’s actions

I release The Matted Mutt from any liability should death of my dog occur for any reason while in daycare or off-site overnight boarding.

I agree that my dog may be recorded on camera and its images may be used for The Matted Mutt’ promotional material.

I agree to pick up my dog prior to closing time. Should I fail to do so I understand I will be charged late fees in the amount of $10 for every hour. I understand that dogs left after 8pm will be charged $25 in addition to the daycare fee, I may not be able to pick up my dog until the following day as well as be charged additional fees for food and other supplies used for boarding for my dog.

I understand that boarding services are charged on a 24 hrs. basis with drop off and pick up permitted only during hours of daycare operation. Boarding pick up beyond 24 hrs. from time of drop off will be charged additionally at a corresponding daycare rate or may be subject to an additional boarding night. I understand that The Matted Mutt reserves the right to refuse after hours pick up

I agree to pay for any and all outstanding charges prior to or at time of pickup of my dog. I understand that should I not have provisions for payment at the time of pickup of my dog, The Matted Mutt reserves the right to withhold my dog and continue to charge for continued services and any additional fees until payment is made in full. I understand that should I fail to complete payment within 7 days of the notified due date, The Matted Mutt will proceed with the


In the event that you, your emergency contact, or any other person you have authorized to us in writing does not pick up your dog on the agreed upon departure date, you hereby authorize us to continue to provide boarding and any additional services at your expense. If such dog is deemed abandoned under provincial laws The Matted Mutt will use its discretion permitted by law to follow the Abandoned Pet Procedure.


We will attempt to contact you by telephone and/or in writing using the information that you have provided, advising you that if your dog is not picked up within 7 days, your dog will be deemed to be abandoned and we will deliver your dog to a third party adoption partner, animal shelter, or attempt to find a new owner for your dog. If you fail to pick-up your dog for any reason, you release The Matted Mutt, its staff, owners, representatives, and agents from further liability and responsibility for your dog.

With my signature below I certify that I have read and understand the agreement and waivers. I agree to abide by the regulations and accept all terms and conditions as set out.